Self-Serve Research Data Assets & Information Commons

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Access broad & deep patient-level data to explore ideas, strengthen grant applications, conduct RWE research, perform computational analyses, and more – all without an IRB! 

Information Commons is a comprehensive ecosystem of data, tools, secure computational and analysis environments, and community & support services that enables the full cycle of data-driven research. It welcomes self-service use of the data and resources while providing support with a talented team of informatics and data science experts and a growing research data science community. 

Information Commons aims to minimize the time researchers and data scientists need to spend on preparation for projects and get to answering the research question as soon as possible. Information Commons’ vision is to enable scientific discovery and its translation to clinical care and precision medicine by lowering barriers to access and linking together data, computational capabilities, and shared knowledge.  


Self-serve data assets provide access to broad and deep, fully linkable, multi-modal, de-identified data for more than 4 million patients of UCSF Health system without the need for IRB approval or an intermediary to extract the data. The data assets are available in 2 formats: 

  • Format close to Epic Caboodle data warehouse (consistent with the source system our clinical data originates in).

  • Standardized, harmonized format based on the OMOP Common Data Model (which supports external collaborations for larger scale research).  

The benefits of using these self-serve data assets include direct access at any time, and the ability to reuse it across multiple projects. 

In addition to developing and maintaining the DeID Data Assets, our team creates and maintains various representations of UCSF’s electronic health record (EHR) data in the form of common data models (CDMs), such as the PCORnet CDM and OHDSI’s OMOP CDM. These data assets enable UCSF to lead and participate in multi-institutional initiatives, including the UC Health Data Warehouse and Data Discovery Platform, REACHnet CDRN, the All of Us Research Program, BRIDGE2AI/CHoRUS, and more. 

How to reach us

  • Our team fosters a vibrant community of research users by conducting regular office hours and tutorials, building knowledge bases, and hosting and moderating digital forums for peer support and knowledge sharing. Join our listserv to receive updates about our products, services, and valuable resources.