
We are proud of our team members who have won UC-wide and UCSF-wide awards!

2023 Chancellor's Award for Exceptional University Management Winner - Rick Larsen

2023 Chancellor's Award for Exceptional University Management

Celebrates the efforts of individuals who work tirelessly towards our commitment to research, patient care, and education, and are dedicated to advancing health, community, and diversity.

By creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all individuals, Rick Larsen, Director of Research Informatics, has formed a diverse team of talented individuals dedicated to helping researchers at UCSF.

Listen to Rick's perspective of managing at UCSF
2022 Larry L. Sautter Innovation in IT Golden Award Winner - Lakshmi Radhakrishnan

2022 Larry L. Sautter Innovation in IT Golden Award

Recognizes technology innovations that make university operations more effective and efficient and better serve faculty, staff, students and patients.

The winning 2022 project, "De-identifying Clinical Notes at Scale", was led by ARS data scientist, Lakshmi Radhakrishnan, in collaboration with the Bakar Computational Health Sciences Institute (BCHSI).

Learn about this innovative healthcare technology
A top-down view of people working together at a table, with only their hands, laptops and handheld devices visible

2022 UC Tech Design Award - Silver

Recognizes an individual or team that transformed one or more touchpoints through the application of various design disciplines to improve usability and/or create a more elegant experience for all users, including those with disabilities.

A collaboration between ARS, CTSI, and SOMTech to reduce friction for researchers accessing secure systems and data led to this award for the "Discovery to MVP - Improved Research Data Request" initiative.

Read the award nomination (PDF)