AER Projects

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Example projects where AER supported researchers in modifying the EHR system (APeX).

Integration of an Existing Application: Seizure Tracker

  • Collaboration: AER, Dr. Vikram Rao, and the vendor, SeizureTracker 
  • Outcome: Integration of a SMART-on-FHIR application into APeX, facilitating visualization of patient-reported outcomes by providers.  
  • Governance & Compliance: This project has been presented to the Digital Diagnostics and Therapeutics Committee for API access, Health IT application teams, and APeX Integrated Office Hours for review and approval. It has also undergone a security and risk assessment and signed the appropriate BAA for data sharing.  

Development and Integration of a New Application: Engage-Rx

  • Collaboration: AER, Dr. Valy Fontil, SOMTech, NitidBit, CTSI 
  • Outcome: Creation and integration of a web-based Clinical Decision Support (CDS) platform focusing on chronic disease treatment, initially targeting hypertension.  
  • Governance & Compliance: This project has been presented to the Digital Diagnostics and Therapeutics Committee for API access, Health IT application teams, and APeX Integrated Office Hours for review and approval. It has also undergone a security and risk assessment and signed the appropriate BAA for data sharing.

Model Implementation & Evaluation: Blood Transfusions

  • Collaboration: AER, HIPAC, Dr. Priya Ramaswamy, LHS, Bakar, CDRC, SOMTech, CTSI 
  • Outcome: Implementation and silent/prospective validation of an AI model providing pre-operative blood ordering recommendations.  
  • Governance & Compliance: This project has been reviewed by the AI Governance Committee, Learning Health System Oversight Committee, and sent as an FYI to the AC3 committee. Review by Health IT will be conducted prior to the randomized intervention being implemented. 

Randomized Control Trials and Decision Support: Advance Care Planning & Surgery

  • Collaboration: AER, UC Irvine, University of Minnesota, Dr. Liza Wick, Dr. Rebecca Sudore 
  • Outcome: Evaluating a randomized set of pre-surgical interventions to increase advance care planning documentation for patients over the age of 65. 
  • Governance & Compliance: This project has been reviewed by the Learning Health System Oversight Committee, Health IT application teams, and APeX Integrated Office Hours. The IRB was reviewed/approved to waive subject consent requirements, and the appropriate BAA/data-sharing agreements are in place with the collaborating sites. 

Research Data Tools: JDM Dashboard

  • Collaboration: AER, Dr. Susan Kim 
  • Outcome: Tracking and evaluating our pediatric patients with juvenile dermatomyositis at a population level is challenging without discrete data collection and limits our ability to do retrospective research. This project created a dashboard/APeX navigator for the collection of clinical assessments and the review of patient reported outcomes, labs, and clinical assessments longitudinally in one view. 
  • Governance & Compliance: This project has been presented to the appropriate Health IT application teams and integrated office hours. The IRB was reviewed for appropriate access to a research data set on this population.